Integrated management system policy

Omnisal GmbH corporate, environmental, energy, quality, occupational health and safety policy, goals and ethical values

Omnisal GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Fosfa a.s. The contract manufacturing agreement of 09.04.2013 with the parent company is the basis of the economic activity of Omnisal GmbH. Omnisal GmbH produces phosphoric acid and unique phosphoric salts from provided raw materials, especially for the food and feed industry. Own sales activities do not take place at the location of the company. Omnisal GmbH contributes to the achievement of the company’s goals by fully applying the principles of the parent company’s corporate policy in-house.

The management of Omnisal GmbH, in the interest of improving the level of quality, food and feed safety, occupational health and safety standards, environmental protection and energy management, has decided to issue the following statement in accordance with its strategic objectives.


We are committed together with our parent company Fosfa a.s. :

  • To provide all customers with products of agreed quality and with a long-term mutually beneficial business partnership,
  • to increase the efficiency of the processes in the organization, to maintain and improve the competence of our employees,
  • Develop cooperation with public (state) authorities (administrations), professionals and other stakeholders in order to fully comply with applicable technical and legal standards and regulations,
  • effectively control processes and improve the quality of our own processes, products and the established quality management system through continuous control activities.


We are committed together with our parent company Fosfa a.s. :

  • to comply with all relevant laws and other regulations in the environmental field which affect the company and to which the company has committed itself,
  • operate our equipment and technologies in a manner consistent with environmental protection and replace non-compliant equipment with new, more environmentally friendly equipment,
  • systematically train and educate our employees, consistently instruct them on environmental protection and teach them to avoid environmental pollution and emergency situations,
  • Protect natural resources by recycling waste, using raw materials and energy efficiently, maximizing the use of waste-free technologies, and setting and meeting environmental goals,
  • To continuously improve our environmental management system in order to improve environmental performance and implement preventive measures to protect the environment.


We are committed together with our parent company Fosfa a.s. :

  • to comply with all relevant food and feed safety legislation and regulations concerning the company or to which the company has committed itself,
  • to protect the rights of consumers and to place only safe products on the market,
  • Develop and support a culture of food and feed safety within the organization, systematically educate and train our employees in food and feed safety, and consistently hold them accountable to hygiene compliance,
  • to develop cooperation and communication with authorities, experts, suppliers and contractors, customers and other stakeholders to ensure the safety of our products,
  • to take responsibility for the safety of food and feed for customers.


We are committed together with our parent company Fosfa a.s. :

  • for continuous testing and risk management to provide a safe and healthy, non-threatening work environment for all employees and others in our workplaces
  • Requirements to comply with legal and other health and safety regulations applicable to the company or to which the company has committed itself,
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce risks to health and safety at work, ensure the prevention of accidents, damage to property or health that affect the safety of employees at work.
  • Promote health and safety requirements among our contractors and suppliers and give preference to partners who apply the same principles,
  • listen to employees and involve them in the process of improving safety at work through the employee representatives for health and safety at work,
  • improve the training system for employees in order to increase their expertise, motivation and responsibility for safety and health at work,
  • Ensure adequate resources for the OSH management system and its continuous improvement, maintain conditions for the application of the OSH policy and objectives and review their suitability and adequacy.


The prevention of incidents and incidents similar to incidents is a significant corporate objective of Omnisal GmbH.

The protection of employees, residents and neighbouring properties requiring protection, the environment and neighbouring businesses is of paramount importance.

In order to comply with the protection and corporate objectives, the management of Omnisal GmbH therefore guarantees compliance with and implementation of the requirements of the Seveso III Directive in the form of the 12th BImSchV (Major Accidents Ordinance), which represents its national implementation in German law.

This is achieved by:

  • the existence of a management system certified in accordance with DIN-EN ISO 9001,
  • Regular inspections in accordance with legal deadlines; regular external audits,
  • Accident prevention/prevention as part of existing and future processes as well as in all phases of the process cycle (e.g. by carrying out risk analyses (HAZOP)),
  • protective measures taken to prevent incidents,
  • continuous monitoring of process hazards and accident risks,
  • Co-operate with the competent authorities by providing relevant information on hazardous substances handled, processes, equipment and protective measures taken,
  • the existence and regular updating of the documents required in accordance with the 12th BImSchV (safety report, alarm and hazard prevention plan, information of the public).

Compliance with these points ensures continuous control and permanent reduction of the risk of serious accidents and incidents at all levels, thus minimizing the potential impact on the company’s employees and residents in the vicinity of the company.

The management strives for continuous improvement of plant safety, therefore the targets, including deadlines, are reviewed at least once a year as part of the management systems review and adjusted if necessary.


Within the framework of the energy policy and all associated requirements for sustainable production, the management of Omnisal GmbH has committed itself to continuous improvement of energy efficiency and the energy management system.

The energy policy is implemented by maintaining an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 with the following focal points.

We commit ourselves:

  • ensure the suitability of the energy policy for the purposes of the organisation,
  • provide a framework for setting and reviewing energy targets and objectives,
  • Define and achieve energy targets
  • ensure the availability of information
  • of all resources required to achieve the energy targets,
  • comply with the relevant legal and other requirements relating to energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption,
  • encourage the purchase of energy-efficient products and services that have an impact on energy efficiency,
  • Provide effective assistance, information, funding, etc. for staff training to achieve successful implementation of the energy policy,
  • to achieve a CO2 reduction by reducing the energy used

We are aware that consistently high quality can only be achieved if we work as a team and follow all the rules of the Integrated Management System (IMS). We declare that we will ensure a high level of quality and safety of our products and also ensure the safety and health of our employees at work and protect the environment.

The following standards are implemented in Omnisal GmbH as part of the integrated management system: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, FSSC 22000, FAMI QS, SEDEX, Halal Standard and Kosher Standard.