


As far as production waste is concerned, we primarily try to prevent it. We optimize formulas, technological procedures, and production run-in times. Teams from the production, development and quality departments work on the minimization of waste. Our waste management is regularly monitored through internal and external audits and controls by the Environmental Inspectorate.

At Omnisal, we aim to increase awareness of the correct management of waste. We try not to waste raw materials and motivate each other not to look for excuses and to set an example. If we have the chance to save the environment, raise awareness on the purpose of sorting waste and providing better conditions for recycling, we are happy to do it.


We know that water is precious, so we strive for the lowest possible consumption. We are working on reducing consumption by recycling it - we repeatedly use it during production.

Prevention in the field of water protection is part of our ecological education system – handling substances only above emergency tanks, regular checks on the sealing of pits and the placement of sanitation kits for the given department. We regularly invest in preventive measures, such as the reconstruction of protective baths and floors.

Air quality and emissions

We are aware that every item of greenery contributes to the restoration of oxygen and that we do not have to put all the weight on the lungs of the planet – the woods. We improve our corporate premises let is interwoven with lots of shrubs, trees and lawns. We contribute to the protection of air by recycling paper. At first glance, there might not be an obvious connection, but the use of 1 ton of waste paper can save up to 17 trees. Pretty good motivation to take those few extra steps to the blue containers, right?

The long-term goal of our company is the permanent reduction of the amount of emissions produced. We consistently meet the emission limits set by the Regional Authority, which is also confirmed by the outputs from internal and external audits and inspections of the Environmental Inspectorate. We like challenges, and we are gradually upgrading our sources of energy. From a long-term point of view, we plan radically reduce emissions in the future and use only environmentally friendly equipment.